Wednesday, 18 April 2012

A problem shared ...

I recently posted on the blog about a craft fair that left me feeling very disillusioned. I had great feedback and was later asked to write a similar piece about my experience for Folksy’s online magazine, Frankly. The piece went live last Friday and I just wanted to take the time to thank all of you who have taken the time to read it and leave your comments. I have been completely overwhelmed with the response and support. When you take the time to write something that you’re passionate about there is nothing worse than people having read it but not shared their views on the piece with you, no-one likes talking to a brick wall! So it’s been absolutely fantastic to converse with all of you about your past craft fair experiences and I really have learnt lots from you.  If you’re not sure what I’m talking about then you can read the piece here:
I think it’s a subject that people sometimes feel shy of talking about. Maybe it’s that fear of failure. I know that it’s very hard when you’ve spent so much time getting ready for a fair to then not make much money on the day, sometimes not even cover your table fee. It’s hard when everyone asks you how you got on, you don’t want to admit that you spent so much time to effectively get nothing back from it. It refers to the old saying, ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’; as soon as I started to speak about my bad experiences then people started sharing theirs back. Not only does it help your self-esteem to know that you’re not the only one who has had these experiences but it can help you to come to a positive conclusion about where to go next … It’s a moto that I often refer to in life and one that I think everyone should live by!
So anyway, a big THANK YOU once again to Frankly for posting the piece and a big THANK YOU to you guys for the support!

'Scrabble Thank You Card' by Sarah Martin Creative on Folksy
Maybe I will write more often J

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